When can I start classes ?

We recommend that all expecting mommies consult their doctor/OB/midwife prior to starting. Please fill out the appropriate forms and bring them with you to class or send them via email.

What if my baby comes early or I have classes remaining?

No pregnancy is predictable! We are happy to convert prenatal classes to mom & baby classes once you’re feeling good and you’ve been cleared to begin exercise.

Winter classes and cancellations.

Weather can be unpredictable and we will always err on the side of caution. Whether you’re expecting or have little ones your safety is top priority. For winter classes, our rule of thumb is: if school buses are cancelled, there will be a possibility of classes being cancelled. We want to ensure sidewalks, parking and driving are safe and will check road safety in the evening. If classes are still running, of course, the decision is always yours to attend. We will do a make-up class in the event class is cancelled. Announcements will be posted on Facebook and Instagram.

This is my first class or personal training session.
What should I wear or bring?

You’ll find all necessary props at the studio, but we recommend you bring water to stay hydrated. Comfortable workout attire for all classes. Grippy socks are required for Barre classes (for safety reasons). Bring your own or  purchase them at the studio for $5. Please also bring clean gym shoes.

Before and After Class

Please arrive 15 minutes early and  let us know if  you have any limitations or injuries you’re working through. Feel free to feed your baby or do a diaper change before or after class. Friendly reminder: please take the diaper home. You may also bring special toys for entertaining your baby.

After class: Check in with your instructor for any questions or clarifications. We are always happy to stay and chat!